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Join Us for the Third Annual 3K "What's GOOD about TODAY?" Nature Hike/Park Day

Mark your calendars for Saturday, August 10, 2024, as we gather to celebrate the Third Annual 3K "What's GOOD about TODAY?"

Nature Hike/Park Day at North Park in Allegheny County, PA. Organized by the Christian Cochran Legacy Fund, this special event honors the memory of Christian Cochran and his inspiring daily reminder to focus on the good in each day.

Christian was a gentle, beautiful spirit who loved peace and the outdoors. His love for nature and his positive outlook on life continue to inspire all who knew him.

Event Details:

  • Date: Saturday, August 10, 2024

  • Location:  10301 Walter Rd, Wexford, PA 15090, North Park, Allegheny County

  • Pavilion: Flanders (near the Green Trail, Christian's favorite color)

  • Time: 8am to 9pm (drop-in anytime)

  • Activities: Nature hike, family picnic, and family games (bring your favorite games and activities)

The Flanders picnic pavilion will be reserved for the entire day, offering a perfect spot for families to gather, play games, and enjoy a picnic. Whether you choose to take a scenic hike along the Green Trail or relax and play games at the pavilion, the event aims to bring people together to appreciate the beauty of nature and the goodness around us.

Supporting a Good Cause: There is no fee to attend the event, but donations to the Christian Cochran Legacy Fund are always appreciated. This year's proceeds will benefit YASU (Young Adult Survivors United), an organization close to Christian and his family. YASU provides essential support to young adults and their families facing life-changing cancer diagnoses and financial hardships. Each month, they deliver large "What’s GOOD about TODAY?" reusable tote bags filled with necessities and gift cards to those in need.

How You Can Help: Your support can make a significant difference. Donations can be made directly to the Christian Cochran Legacy Fund via the Pittsburgh Foundation website. Additionally, you can contribute by purchasing items from the YASU/'What’s GOOD about TODAY?' Amazon wish list, which sends items directly to YASU to support their mission. Visit the Amazon Wish List to contribute.

Join us on August 10th to honor Christian Cochran’s legacy, support a wonderful cause, and ask yourself, "What's GOOD about TODAY?" Let's come together to celebrate life, nature, and the goodness that surrounds us. See you at North Park!

SECOND Annual 3k "What's GOOD about TODAY?" Nature Hike/Park Day

Saturday, August 12th, 2023, Shelters reserved 8am - 9pm, (drop in anytime!)

SECOND Annual 3k "What's GOOD about TODAY?" Nature Hike/Park Day

Saturday, August 12th, 2023, Shelters reserved 8am - 9pm, (drop in anytime!)


The Christian Cochran Legacy Fund is organizing the 2nd Annual 3K "What's GOOD about TODAY?" Nature Hike in memory of our beautiful, loving Christian Cochran. It will be held on Saturday, August 12, 2023 at North Park in Allegheny County, PA. Our hope is that each of us slows down, appreciates nature, and all the goodness that surrounds us. Let's ask ourselves, "What's GOOD about TODAY?". (Christian's daily reminder to us all that we should focus on all that is good within each day).

The following picnic pavilions have been reserved near the Green Trail (Christian's favorite color!), for the entire day: Flagstaff and Flanders. Arrive at your convenience. Bring your own water bottle or any refreshments and snacks you'd like...a family picnic? If you prefer not to hike, feel welcome to use the reserved pavilions for family games. Bring along whatever your family enjoys to play... card games, board games, crafts. Make it a day in the park.

There is no fee to attend this event. Donations to the Christian Cochran Legacy Fund of the Pittsburgh Foundation to help us continue loving support in our community are always much appreciated!

This event's proceeds will go to YASU (Young Adult Survivors United). - As a member of this organization, Christian and our family valued the important work of this group.  Your support will give hope to young adults and their family members facing life-changing cancer diagnoses.  Additional donations will go towards the Christian Cochran Legacy Fund to support Christian’s foremost interests, from which we will generate and consider ideas for support in his honor, including (listed in no particular order): drama and dramatic theater for youth, music, pets/animals and their welfare, natural sites and places (trees/parks and youth recreation), outer space exploration and education, Cholangiocarcinoma and other rare cancer patient/research advocacy, child adoption, and the communities in which he lived and received his education, Pine Richland and Indiana, Pennsylvania.


Join us for all things Beauty-Full.

You can help continue the Ripple Effect of Love that Christian created by attending/supporting this Nature Hike/Park Day! - Spread much Love in our community.

We hope to see you and your family at the park!

This event is sponsored by the Christian Cochran Legacy Fund through the Pittsburgh Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization.

Christian would often say, “I just want to do nice things for people.” - Christian Cochran

Hope to see you there!  With Love and Gratitude Cochrans All


John 9 NIV  "As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth.  His disciples asked him, Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind? Neither this man nor his parents sinned, said Jesus, but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life."

More Than a Game: PR Girls Field Hockey's Quest to Support the Christian Cochran Legacy

The PR Girls Field Hockey Team is “What’s GOOD about TODAY”
They are hosting an all-out event to support the Christian Cochran Legacy Fund –
Thanks to Coach Steve, the Players, the Parents and the Boosters for all the LOVE
If the mood strikes you – Please come out and support the PR Girls face-off against North Allegheny, and support a Terrific Cause!
The girls have won 4 consecutive WPIAL titles. Coach Steve creates a family culture by fostering community of sisterhood among the players.

Second Annual 3k "What's GOOD about TODAY?" Nature Hike

Saturday, August 12, 2023 at North Park in Allegheny County, PA (LOCATION: 10301 Walter Rd., Allison Park, PA 15101). 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM @ Flagstaff and Flanders Pavilions.


The Christian Cochran Legacy Fund is organizing the Second Annual 3K "What's GOOD about TODAY?" Nature Hike/Park Day in loving memory of the beautiful, loving Christian Cochran. It was held on Saturday, August 12, 2023 at North Park in Allegheny County, PA (LOCATION: 10301 Walter Rd., Allison Park, PA 15101). 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM @ Flagstaff and Flanders Pavilions.

Our Mission is for you to slow down, appreciate nature and seek out all the goodness that surrounds you, let's ask ourselves, "What is GOOD about TODAY?". (Christian's daily reminder to us all that we have to focus on all that is good within each day).

This event's proceeds will go to YASU (Young Adult Survivors United). - As a member of this organization, Christian and our family valued the important work of this group.  Your support will give hope to young adults and their family members facing life-changing cancer diagnoses.  Additional donations will go towards the Christian Cochran Legacy Fund to support Christian’s foremost interests, from which we will generate and consider ideas for support in his honor, including (listed in no particular order): drama and dramatic theater for youth, music, pets/animals and their welfare, natural sites and places (trees/parks and youth recreation), outer space exploration and education, Cholangiocarcinoma and other rare cancer patient/research advocacy, child adoption, and the communities in which he lived and received his education, Pine Richland and Indiana, Pennsylvania.


Join us for all things Beauty-Full. You can help continue the Ripple Effect of Love that Christian created by attending/supporting this Nature Hike/Park Day! - Spread much love in our community.  We hope to see you and your family at the park! This event is sponsored by the Christian Cochran Legacy Fund through the Pittsburgh Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization.

Christian would often say, "I just want to do nice things for people." - Christian Cochran

We hope to see you and your family at the hike!




What you need to know to enjoy the day:

This event is sponsored by the Christian Cochran Legacy Fund through the Pittsburgh Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization. Our goal is to take the road less traveled and slow down and notice the little things while supporting many good causes. Just think of all the GOOD we can do together!

Are there age limits for this event?

This event is for all ages! The Green Trail is just shy of 1.9 miles. It is considered a moderate trail. If you are older or would like to participate with a stroller/wheelchair there is a paved road, that follows along the Green Trail and it's peaceful with wildflowers and nature that abounds! We would love to see your whole family!

What can I expect at the "What's GOOD about TODAY?" 3K?

You can expect to be nurtured and calm with positive messaging and the beauty of nature surrounding you. We encourage you along your hike to ask yourself "What's GOOD about TODAY?" and then go out and Find It, Embrace It and Share It with others! Continuing the Ripple of Love that Christian created during his notably, remarkable life. Christian's inspiration was to spread love, laughter and joy to all those whose path he crossed. We plan to spread love, laughter and joy at this and every event we hold in Christian's name.

This Memorial Hike is intended for the enjoyment of all, as a permanent reminder, as exemplified by Christian of the peace and joy that can be accessed within each of our days. With Love in our hearts, like Christian, we may create ripples of love and shimmers of light everywhere we journey.

For your enjoyment, we reserved the following pavilions near the Green Trail (CC favorite color) for the entire day:  Flagstaff, Flanders, School House and Roosevelt. Arrive at your convenience. Bring your coffee a picnic for the family, cards, games, paper and paint, hang out with your family, take the hike, and find time in nature with your loved ones.  Slow down and be at peace.  Please make sure you clean up after your stay:)

There is no fee for this event, we only ask that if you can, you would consider making a donation to the Christian Cochran Legacy Fund, through the Pittsburgh Foundation to help us continue giving random acts of love in our community.  This events proceed will go to YASU (Young Adult Survivors United) and the Latodomi Nature Center of North Park to raise money for space exploration programs for the youth.

How can I support The Christian Cochran Legacy Foundation if I am not able to attend this event?

If you are unable to attend the 3K Hike and would like to financially support The Christian Cochran Legacy Foundation, YASU and children's camps at North Park, and many more Random Acts of Love in our community, please visit our website and scroll down to Help our mission by making a tax free, random act of love donation and contact us to discuss sponsorship opportunities. We would love to hear from you!


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