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Quotes about Christian

“We met through a phone call in January, yet shared our greatest hopes and dreams for our precious children suffering from this disease. Our prayers were that we would beat this evil and our fears were that we wouldn´t. Christian was the most positive beautiful boy I´ve ever had the

privilege to know. His goodness and spirit and love for life was so rare. He made Georgia smile and less frightened. Christian was love and every person that had the honor of knowing him has truly been blessed. I´m praying for peace for you all.” Laurie

“The joy Christian brought us uplifted us from his infancy, through his youth, and into his young adulthood. Amazingly, even in his illness, his spiritual strength and humor uplifted everyone he touched. He was one of a kind, a higher order of human being, maybe too good for our world. He was and is a star. Love him and love you guys.” Heather

“That smile that instantly uplifted anyone in his presence…Christian naturally had a calm, warm, comforting way about him. Though my time with him was brief, I knew instantly that he was a gift to us all. His goals, passions, and visions…and the love he poured into his family…all of that

is what I’ll take with me as I honor Christian’s life and legacy. All my love and endless support.”Stephanie

“How wonderful that Christian’s incredible kindness, warmth, and love for people and adventure

touched so many.” – L. 

“I continue to be amazed at his faith, spirit and heart. Such profound words from a young man –

his soul was older, wider and deeper than a man of his age.” Lisa 

“Christian was such a remarkable young man.” – Deanne 

“So glad I had Christian when I did. I carry a little piece of his spirit and stories with me everywhere I go. He truly shaped part of who I am.” Shane 

“Chris, what an amazing young man. He continues to make the world a better place but now it is through you sharing Christian’s beauty with us.” Jeff 

“Christian was such a special young man with a perspective that truly helps a person to reflect and view life through a different lens.” Mike 

“What a phenomenal human being!” – Sue 

“I am inspired by Christian and all he stands for.” – Melinda 

“Christian was an energetic, happy kindergartner in my class many years ago. I enjoyed seeing him in musicals throughout the years at PR. I recall watching him his senior year and thinking that he still had the same energy and spunk as he did when he was 5. My heart aches for your loss. You are in my prayers.” – Jennifer

“Christian was one of the first people to make me okay with being at college. I had so much social anxiety when I started at IUP. I became best friends with his roommate, and Chris welcomed me in as an honorary roommate. He accepted me exactly as I was. His smile, sense of humor, and warm personality brought so much light to my days at IUP, and I cannot thank him enough for that. His shining light and unconditional kindness for everyone is such an incredible loss for this world. He will be greatly missed.” A. Smith

“I worked with Christian at Giant Eagle. He was the sweetest, hardworking, pleasant young man and one of my favorites there. I am sadden by the loss of such a great young man. His family are in my thoughts and prayers.” – Darlene 

“Christian was a one of a kind guy and such a great cousin to me. He always had a smile on his face with a great attitude towards life. We will all miss him and love him always.” Ryan Cochran

“Christian was a fabulous college student. I loved having him in class. He was always so considerate, humble and loving toward everyone.” Sarah 

“Christian spent a lot of time in my college house in 2018. Christian was extremely funny, charismatic, kind, outgoing. To his loved ones, I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. I am sending my thoughts & prayers. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling. Christian Left a beautiful mark on this world & I know he’ll be with you wherever you go.” Liz 

“Christian was a light in my Music classes and always in my heart. Sending love and prayers that you find solace with the fondest of memories.” Jill 

“I had Arabic class in college with Chris. He was the funniest person in the room, he could always perk up anyone having a hard day, he never left a room without a smile and well wishes. The world is not the same without Chris. I wish we had more time.” - Ashley 

“I have been thinking of you so much. I can’t fathom how you were able to endure all that you did. My mom is 83, has lived a long life, and it is so difficult. You handled things with such dignity and grace. I really respect you for that. I have been trying to emulate you throughout

this, I really have. I honestly have learned so much from you as well as Christian. I genuinely mean that!” – M. 

“I cannot believe how Christian held himself with such grace, dignity and love. I would have never been able to be as positive and kindhearted as he was during such an awful diagnosis and illness, especially at his young age. He is truly an inspiration of love and great devotion to our

Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I pray every day to Christian and for his beautiful soul. I recall when he went to Calcutta India and I handed him twenty dollars for his trip, he smiled and gave it back to me and said, thank you so much, but I know you need this more than I do, just pray

for me that I have safe and happy travels. He was very grateful for my offering, but he knew it was a lot for me, and he knew all that he really needed were prayers.” Jeanne

“Thinking of you and in admiration of your faith and strength – what an inspiration, Christian was and will continue to be to so many.” – Robin

“I wrote ‘What’s good about today?’ on my dry-erase board at work. Thank you, Christian. There is definitely something good that comes out of every day!” - Dawn 

“I’ve thought about Christian’s simple, yet powerful, statement often (What’s Good About Today?). He touched so many...more than you will probably ever know.” – Jill 

“He was an amazing young man. I only wished we had tools to help me. We’re making progress and someday we will beat this terrible disease.” – Dr. John Fung, University of Chicago Medical Center

“I think about Christian every day. He helps me to find the good amidst the hard stuff. You raised an amazing human. I try to think about this quote of Christian’s almost every day. I’ve written it on sidewalks (in chalk) in my journal, say it to my family and whisper it to myself on the hard days when my own grief over losses clouds my days. He continues to influence so many of us with his amazing faith and disposition. It is well with my soul.” – Stacey 

“Christian was such a light to so many, and I always enjoyed seeing his smiling face and positivity in school.” - Brittany Anne “Christian’s kindness, beauty smile and fun-loving personality made an imprint on me for life.” – Barb

Christian was such a faithful, positive, happy soul that saw the glass as always half full… so, in honor of Christian, I am going to incorporate his view on life with the daily conversation of “WHAT’S GOOD ABOUT TODAY”. In the spirit of your AMAZING oldest… to me this says strength, humor and a big heart on a handsome young man – what I do know and I’ve known you both a long time, but you longer (Chris), and I will forever be a great friend even if I haven’t seen you in forever, is that even in college, you couldn’t wait to marry your girl and start a family, and that your first born was going to be a boy and you were going to name him Christian…and to see how you have evolved from that college student into such an AMAZING dad and husband is truly beautiful. You could feel the love from every post that either of you shared… Danielle with her BEAUTIFUL family photos… always so very proud of all of you. Christian was so lucky to call you his mom and dad, and you could always see him glistening with love and support to follow his dreams….even at his young age of 23, and time lost due to the Covid lockdown….HE LIVED! HE TRAVELED! AND FOLLOWED his dreams… he lived more in his short life, than many that have lived in a lifetime…and that is because of you, his AMAZING family.” - Irene 

In refrence to Christian writing Psalm 23 on the inside of his backpack, Dana says… “So incredibly special. What a gift. This is a huge comfort. Christian is in paradise, and you will be reunited!”

"No one embodied the depth and truth of that verse, by the great King David, more profoundly than beloved Christian. So remarkably brave. So full of love for life and trust in God. Love him and you so very much." - Heather R.


"Wow, beautiful. May we all treasure the Word of God like he did." - Kristen


"So very touching, gifts to treasure forever. I was lucky enough to have met Christian twice in my life. Your posts are raw and very profound. All of our children are special in their own right but Christian, wow, chris and Danielle…a disciple placed on earth taken way too quickly. My heart aches…." - Gina 


"Such a beautiful boy of faith." - Lisa 


"Wow! This is so moving. Christian’s faith was so fierce. He truly knew God while on this Earth. How blessed he was/is." - Mary 


"This is amazing what a wonderful human being. We are so blessed he was part of our lives." Christine


"So timely for today, All Souls Day. Christian continues to send signs (referring to his writing the 23 Psalm on his backpack)" - R


"A testament to what a wonderful soul he is." - John 


"He was an amazing young man. His faith was so powerful." - Jenn 


"What a treasure your son is." - Bekki 


"Such a beautiful message (sharing the 23 Psalm) from such an amazing kid.... Christian left us with a lesson.  A lesson to show love.  Two very simple words but they embodied who he was.  Show Love.  I can honestly say in the 17 plus years that you all have been part of our lives, you have been one of the most radiant, positive families that we have known.  Christian's wit and giggle only made it better." - G


"Steadfast.You firmly planted your son in his faith. What a profound blessing. He is always with you…til you see him again. Thinking of you all during this very difficult time." - Karen 

“Christian was always so lost living in and enjoying the present moment that he didn’t waste a single breath judging others, worrying about the future, or complaining about his illness. Every moment I spent with Christian was filled with joy and love. He was never afraid to tell someone how much they meant to him and celebrated every person’s uniqueness. All those who knew him learned what true selflessness is.” – Katie

"Christian was so obviously such an incredible person in so many ways, such a remarkable young man, one of those people that I knew I would love just from seeing his photos and reading about him." - Lara

"Christian was on this earth for far too short a time, but from the years of knowing him and the amazing stories you so generously shared, I know his light will shine bright and touch so many others in this world. It is still too high a price to pay for you to lose him." - Stacy Smiley

 “You both raised a wonderful human.” – Paula 

 "What a truly amazing young man. We look forward to doing so in Heaven one day. May sweet Christian’s amazing legacy of compassion and joy inspire many for ages to come!" - Kristin

"Words come hard. My heart is with you. I have your family in my prayers. He was a wonderful young man. I was blessed to know him. His happiness and joy brought love to all who knew him. May God keep him near." - John

"He always had a smile to share and the boys said always made people laugh." - Lynn 

"Such a blessing to know Christian. A true angel and beautiful soul." - Julia 

"Christian was one of the most kind and friendly people I have ever met and I feel so blessed to have known him and you all for my whole life." - E

"From what I’ve heard from everyone, Christian was an angel on earth." -Kim

"I got the pleasure to mentor Christian at his sales role at ADP. In this time, Christian was always eager to learn more, wanting grow and find way to help others, and just had amazing work ethic despite the battle he faced. He truly brighten my days and always reminded me to be thankful for the life we are given. I will never forget his humor, his kind heart, and how even working home virtually the way he made others smile. For the short period I known him, he touched my heart more than anyone in my life. He has become my forever friend and someone I will always remember now as my angel. God bless your beautiful soul. Many prayers & love to the Cochran family"  - Tayler 


"Chris, Danielle, Kate and Nicholas—My heart breaks for you as you grieve the loss of your beloved and cherished son and brother. He knew how to light up a room and a stage with his awesome personality, smile, and kindness. He will be greatly missed by so many—his life impacted many lives—including mine. He made the world a better place. I pray that the Lord would comfort your hearts with His promises of Eternal life in Heaven where his body has been healed. Love, hugs, prayers and heartfelt sympathy to you and your family." - C


"Our world truly lost a shining light this past week. Our family is heartbroken for his beautiful family, as well as our world! True to Christian’s instinct to put others’ first, he put great thought and care in how he could could continue to make a difference. Please take a moment to read this beautiful description of Christian’s life and the foundation in his honor. Finally, please say a prayer for his parents, Danielle and Chris, and siblings, Kate and Nicholas. God Bless, Christian!!!" - N


"Christian was one of the first people to make me okay with being at college. I had so much social anxiety when I started at IUP. I became best friends with his roommate, and Chris welcomed me in as an honorary roommate. He accepted me exactly as I was. His smile, sense of humor, and warm personality brought so much light to my days at IUP, and I cannot thank him enough for that. His shining light and unconditional kindness for everyone is such an incredible loss for this world. He will be greatly missed." - Alexa


"11 years ago our family landed across the street from the most wonderful family. I’ll never forget the simple “Hello Mrs. Rainey”, the compliments on my flowers and just Christian’s kind, warm presence. We love you Christian. Your time here on earth was cut way too short but your impact on everyone you met was inspiring. Love and hugs to everyone that knew Christian."- D


"Christian spent a lot of time in my college house in 2018. Christian was extremely funny, charismatic, kind, outgoing. To his loved ones, I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. I am sending my thoughts & prayers. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling. Christian Left a beautiful mark on this world & I know he’ll be with you wherever you go." - Liz 


"That smile that instantly uplifted anyone in his presence…Christian naturally had a calm, warm, comforting way about him. Though my time with him was brief, I knew instantly that he was a gift to us all. His goals, passions, and visions…and the love he poured into his family…all of that is what I’ll take with me as I honor Christian’s life and legacy. All my love and endless support." -  Stephanie


I was a classmate and friend of Christian at IUP. I was always glad to walk into a class the first day and see Chris there. I remember even as freshmen in our first semester, he just had a way of making you feel like old friends right away. Truly one of the friendliest, funniest, and most interesting guys I’ve had the pleasure to know. Christian could always brighten up a room and I know he will be missed by many. - Olivia Tarman

Christian was a fabulous college student. I loved having him in class. He was always so considerate, humble and loving toward everyone."

- Sara 

“I can see the joy! Thank you for sharing Christian with me! His very being has bettered my own and I often can sense he is near. He is a precious child of the living God. Love to you all!” Pam 


“He made me feel so welcome when I visited you guys in Prague I will never forget it.” – Teres Parisi


“Christian never failed to make me smile and laugh like so many others who had the absolute joy of knowing him. I’ll never forget the short time I had with him during such an amazing time in all of our lives. I still cling to those memories.” – Sal C.


“He was so amazing and brought such a joy to this world.” – Lexi


“He was always such a ray of sunshine every time I met him.” – Michelle


“Such a beautiful soul.” – Helena 


“The kindness and joy he spread will never be forgotten.” – Molly


“He was a blessing to everyone who knew him. He will be with you in spirit for the rest of your life as he looks down on you from Heaven.” – Gus 


Christian was a special person. Taken far too soon… Christian, you have been a light on everyone around you for 23 years. You were my first friend I ever made back in kindergarten, but more than that you and your family became a huge part of my life. The world lost a beautiful soul, but I promise you will not be forgotten. I think it’s amazing how your family handles themselves & I pray for you guys all the time.” - Gabrielle


“Christian taught me not to take life too seriously… Christian, you were always so supportive, so kind, and so funny. You were an amazing friend to me and I will miss you and love you forever.” – Izzy 


“Thank you for sharing Christian with me! I am saying prayers to him to help me stay in the loving frame of mind! What a beautiful garden it will be filled with Christian’s essence and spirit!!” – Paula


“Wow! What is great about today? Is this!!! Just an amazing person touching lives.” Christine 

“Remembering your beautiful Christian today and his charming charisma! His warmth lit up a room from such an early age. He carried your grace. Noble. Kind. Warm. Surrounding you in prayer.” – Elizabeth


“I miss Christian every single day, at every moment. He was and is still so important to me, and a big part of my motivation in life… Christian was a wonderful friend and person. I’ve honestly never known someone as genuine and compassionate as him. His love for others and humorous nature will always be remembered. One of the best friends I’ve ever had.” – Bobby


“I love you man I’m going to miss you and you’re demeanor toward life. Always so positive, hilarious and so interactive with everyone you’ve ever met. You’re an inspiration to so many people I’m going to miss you and your charisma.” – Robert 


“It was my absolute pleasure and honor to help make this video. Christian deserves all the celebration we have to offer. I am so blessed to be part of such a wonderful, musical family who brought me closer to Christian. You are all in my prayers and my thoughts. Christian is with me during my happy times and sad times, he truly is so inspiring… I am very touched. If there is anything further I can do, please don’t hesistate. I look forward to future projects for Christian and the community.” - Maren 


“Christian was an inspiring, positive young man who always had a smile. Thinking of your sweet family.” Angie Overby Lechleitner “Christian brought joy and still reminds us to be joyous.” – Raylene 


“I love seeing his beautiful, sweet, wonderful spirit that comes through in each and every picture you post!” – Susan 


“Seeing your/his posts of dancing and happiness. Melts my heart. As many” – Stephanie 


“Meeting Christian was a memorable moment, his love, compassion and faith was so evident in that wonderful smile of his.” – Lisa 

“I loved every minute I had with Christian and I know how much he cared about all of us.” – Will N


“Christian is such a good person and I cherish our friendship and memories.” – Alex G


“I am so incredibly blessed I got to meet this beautiful soul.  I loved him dearly.” – Taylor,


“He’s always in my thoughts and so are the rest of your family. He was a really special person.” – Kira 


“My love is with you brother I am with you.  You are an inspiration and a beautiful rare creature your light is bright.  I love you Christian you’re the greatest blessing in my life and the most familiar soul my soul has ever known here on earth and eternal with God always xoxo so much love.” – Shawn 


“I hope Christian knows I Iove him too.” - Chris 


“He was one of the few people that could brighten my day no matter what.  Even though I live in salt lake city, if there's anything I can do please do not hesitate to reach out.” – Jack 


“He was such an amazing and unique person and will be sorely missed.” Kira 


“I love you Chris.  Thinking of you always. My heart goes out to your entire family.  Chris was such a special friend to me.  I will love him always.” Izzy 


“Thinking of you Christian & so unbelievably proud of you in every way, your kindness, your work ethic, your brilliant wit, your creativity as a writer and speaker and performer, & your unbelievable courage.  Last night I dreamed you were still that little baby I am also so incredibly grateful to see, know and love the truly remarkable man you have become. I love you always.  Aunt Heathie […] Please kiss his sweet hair for me. Love you, Yellie, Kate, Nick and wonderful Christian.  I love you guys, too.  Can’t wait to see Christian & you guys.  Was just thinking that Christian is the one human being in my life who I love who has never once brought me anything but happiness.  The truth is, there is no one like Christian.  In any of our lives. He is the closest to a perfect soul I have ever known.  We all know this.  We are blessed by him.” - Heather

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